41st Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society

University of Bremen, 6 – 8 March 2019

Conference Programme

Conference Programme

Workshop Programmes

Tuesday, 5 March 2019
Time Event Location
08:45–18:00 ALP Conference [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/alp] SFG 0140
09:00–16:00 Doctoral Researchers' Forum [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/doktorandenforum] SFG 1080
11:00–18:00 Computational Linguistics Tutorial [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/computerlinguistik_tutorium] SFG 1020
15:00–19:15 Teachers' Initiative [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/lehramtsinitiative] GW 2 B 3009
19:00– Warming-Up in the Schüttinger [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/supporting_programme]
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Time Event Location
08:00–09:00 Registration GW2 B2860
09:00–09:30 Welcome HS 2010
09:30–10:30 Plenary talk: [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/keynote_speakers] Walter Bisang (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz): Grammar between explicitness and economy HS 2010
10:30–11:00 Presentation of the Wilhelm von Humboldt-Prize HS 2010
11:00–11:30 Coffee break GW 2 Foyer 3rd Level
11:30–12:30 Plenary talk: [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/keynote_speakers] Barbara Schlücker (Universität Leipzig): Between word formation and syntax HS 2010
12:30–13:45 Lunch break
12:30–13:45 General assembly of the SIG computational linguistics GW2 B 3770
13:45 –15:45 Workshop sessions [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/sektionen.aspx]
15:45–16:30 Coffee break GW 2 Foyer 3rd Level
15:45–16:30 Poster Session Computational Linguistics (Part 1) GW2 B 3010
16:30 –18:00 Workshop sessions [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/sektionen.aspx]
19:30– Conference Dinner [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/supporting_programme]
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Time Event Location
09:00–10:30 Workshop sessions [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/sektionen.aspx]
10:30–11:15 Coffee break GW 2 Foyer 3rd Level
10:30–11:15 Poster Session Computational Linguistics (Part 2) GW2 B 3010
11:15–12:45 Workshop sessions [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/sektionen.aspx]
12:45–13:45 Lunch break
12:45–13:45 DFG InfoEvent (Helga Weyerts-Schweda) [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/dfginfo] GW2 B 3770
12:45–13:45 Poster session Computational Linguistics (Part 3) GW2 B 3010
13:45–14:45 Workshop sessions [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/sektionen.aspx]
15:00–18:30 General Assembly of the DGfS HS 1010
19:30– Reception in the foyer of the Übersee-Museum [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/supporting_programme]
Friday, 8 March 2019
Time Event Location
09:00–10:00cancelled Plenary talk: [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/keynote_speakers] Eeva Sippola (University of Helsinki): Continuity and creativity in Creole grammar HS 2010
10:00–11:00 Plenary talk: [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/keynote_speakers] Martine Vanhove (LLACAN (CNRS - INALCO -Université Sorbonne Paris-Cité)): Grammaticalisation in Cushitic Languages HS 2010
11:00–11:30 Coffee break GW 2 Foyer 3rd Level
11:30–14:00 Workshop sessions [http://www.dgfs2019.uni-bremen.de/sektionen.aspx]