41st Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society

University of Bremen, 6 – 8 March 2019


Keynote Talks

Plenary talk 1: Grammar between explicitness and economy

Walter Bisang (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)

Wednesday, 6 March 2019, 09:30–10:30

The distinction between explicitness and economy is well established in various approaches to linguistics (e.g. iconicity vs. economy as competing motivations in Haiman 1983, faithfulness vs. markedness constraints in Optimality Theory, etc.). In my presentation, I will apply explicitness and economy to the notion of linguistic complexity, a topic that is currently discussed from various perspectives. Psycho-linguists and specialists of language acquisition focus on cognitive costs and difficulty of acquisition, typologists look at the properties of the form by which grammatical distinctions are marked and theoretical linguists argue in terms of recursion and merge.

What is common to these approaches is their concentration on linguistic form. In my presentation, I argue that form is only one side of complexity. If one looks at complexity from the perspective of the two competing motivations of explicitness vs. economy the form side can be seen as the result of explicitness, while there is a second side which is based on economy and the pragmatic inference of grammatical information which is available in the grammar of individual languages. The former type of complexity will be called overt complexity, the latter economy-based type will be called hidden complexity (Bisang 2009, 2014, 2015). Hidden complexity manifests itself in the omission of contextually inferable grammatical information and the multifunctionality of individual grammatical markers. In extreme cases in which these properties are recurrent in many grammatical domains, the grammar of a language may allow simple-looking surface struc-tures on the form side which leave a lot of grammatical information to pragmatic inference.

More concretely, it will be shown in my paper that

  1. hidden complexity as a property of individual grammars is particularly dominant in East and mainland Southeast Asian languages (EM-SEA),
  2. even highly grammaticalized markers still express important discourse functions in these languages,
  3. hidden complexity often comes with a different division of labor between grammar and the lexicon,
  4. the notions of contrast and opposition get a different status in an environment of dominant hidden complexity.

Since there is a large number of examples, my presentation will be limited to a few phenomena like (i) radical pro-drop, (ii) the tense-aspect marker -le in Chinese, (iii) numeral classifiers as markers of definiteness and indefiniteness and (iv) the specifics of grammaticalization and multifunctionality.

References: • Bisang, W. 2009. On the evolution of complexity – sometimes less is more in East and mainland Southeast Asia. In G. Sampson, D. Gil & P. Trudgill (eds.), Language complexity as an evolving variable, 34–49. Oxford: Oxford University Press. • Bisang, W. 2014. On the strength of morphological paradigms – a historical account of radical pro-drop. In M. Robbeets & W. Bisang (eds.), Paradigm change in historical reconstruction, 23–60. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins.• Bisang, W. 2015. Hidden complexity – the neglected side of complexity and its consequences. Linguistics Vanguard 1(1). 177–187. • Haiman, J. 1983. Iconic and economic motivation. Language 59. 781–819.

Plenary talk 2: Between word formation and syntax

Barbara Schlücker (Universität Leipzig)

Wednesday, 6 March 2019, 11:30–12:30

The relation between word formation and syntax and the question whether they form distinct domains of grammar or not has been discussed controversially in different theoretical frameworks. In my talk, I will discuss this relation on the basis of complex lexical units of various kinds. More specifically, I will compare compounds, which are usually considered morphological objects, and various kinds of phrasal lexical entities, often referred to as multi-word expressions or lexical phrases. On the basis of data from German, Dutch, English, Icelandic, French, Italian, Polish, Finnish, and other languages, and in line with constructionist approaches, and in particular Construction Morphology (cf. Booij 2010), I will argue that a clear distinction between morphological and syntactic formations cannot always been drawn. For this reason, the relation between compounds and phrases, and, more generally, between word formation and syntax, should be characterized not in terms of a categorical but instead in terms of a gradient distinction.

References: Booij, Geert. 2010. Construction morphology. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.

Plenary talk 3: Continuity and creativity in Creole grammar

Eeva Sippola (University of Helsinki)

Friday, 8 March 2019, 09:00–10:00 cancelled

Creoles are languages that arose in situations of intense contact, where people of diverse ethno-cultural and linguistic backgrounds came together, often under conditions of slavery or indentured labor, and formed distinct communities and languages. It is often claimed that due to the conditions of their emergence and typological nature, creoles are exceptional or distinct languages in comparison to other languages (Bakker et al. 2011, McWhorter 2018). Also differing views have been voiced, arguing that grammars are robustly transmitted during the emergence of creoles (Blasi et al. 2017) and that creole exceptionalism reproduces tropes of colonial imagination and prejudice (DeGraff 2005).

In this presentation, I will explore some contrasts and oppositions that have been claimed to show proof of the exceptional nature of creole grammars. With data from the most extensive database on creoles, the Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Languages, I will focus on some core areas of creole grammars that have been claimed to feature typical creole features. Detailed typological and descriptive case studies of selected areas, such as TMA marking, grammatical gender, and word order, will contrast creoles and subgroups of them to their lexifiers and substrate and adstrate languages. The analysis shows that in balanced samples of these languages, continuity from the lexifiers and adstrates can be identified in both pattern and matter replication of the forms and their functions and meanings, while innovations and creativity play a role as well. For example, it is clear that in the subgroup of Ibero-Asian creoles TMA marker forms are derived from the lexifier, while the functions of those markers are clearly patterned in the adstrate languages. With regard to gender marking, gender neutral systems are common in creoles, but partial gender marking prevails in both lexifier and substrate forms and functions in subgroups of creoles that have been or continue to be in close contact with the lexifiers. In addition, word order in creoles does not seem to differ significantly from other languages (c.f. Sinnemäki 2017). These examples and further case studies in combination with sociohistorical data about the creoles’ formation settings provide a basis for evaluating the claims about the nature of transmission in contact situations leading to the emergence of creoles. The results will add to the discussion of the degree of continuity and creativity in creole grammars and diverse approaches to them, considering both issues of typological description and grammatical change.

References: • Bakker, P., A. Daval-Markussen, I. Plag & M. Parkvall. 2011. Creoles are typologically distinct from non-creoles. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 26(1). 5–42. • Blasi, D., S. Michaelis & M. Haspelmath. 2017. Grammars are robustly transmitted even during the emergence of creole languages. Nature Human Behaviour 1(10), 723–729. • DeGraff, M. 2005. Linguists’ most dangerous myth: The fallacy of Creole exceptionalism. Language in Society 34. 533–591 • McWhorter, J. 2018. The Creole debate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. • Sinnemäki, K. 2017. How useful are creoles in language evolution research? Evaluating cross-linguistic universals of word order and argument marking. OSF. April 4. osf.io/t8dqb.

Plenary talk 4: Grammaticalisation in Cushitic Languages

Martine Vanhove (LLACAN (CNRS - INALCO -Université Sorbonne Paris-Cité))

Friday, 8 March 2019, 10:0–11:00

Reconstructible grammaticalization processes in Cushitic (Afroasiatic) concern mainly the pronominal and verbal domains, markers of subordination, adpositions, questions words and discourse particles. This presentation, based on the investigation of the various sources, targets and paths of 70 grammaticalization processes in Beja, the sole representative of North Cushitic, compared with similar phenomena in three other branches of Cushitic, Central, Highland East and Lowland East, will focus on the most salient grammaticalization processes. They will be compared with the list provided in Heine and Kuteva’s (2002) lexicon for the languages of the world, or with other literature about the languages of the Horn of Africa where Cushitic languages are spoken. Four main features of grammaticalization in Cushitic that emerge from this investigation will be discussed: (i) the nominal domain, which can be a source of grammaticalization, but not (or hardly) the case for targets; (ii) auxiliaries, in particular the quotative verb that shows a vast array of functions, which are often the source of the renewal and enrichment of the verbal system, as opposed to verbless clauses which are pervasive in other Afroasiatic families, namely Semitic and Egyptian (Cohen 1984); (iii) quo­tative verbs, which have a strong tendency to grammaticalize at different levels of the language structure: verbs, complex sentences, discourse, including functions unattested in other genetic stocks; (iv) the fact that Cushitic languages show a pervasive semantic link between ‘say’ and ‘purpose’ at large.

References: • Cohen, D. 1984. La phrase nominale et l'évolution du système verbal en sémitique. Etude de syntaxe historique. Leuven: Peeters. • Heine, B. & T. Kuteva. 2002. World lexicon of grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Workshop 1

Kontraste und Oppositionen bei Genus und Geschlecht im Deutschen

Berry Claus, (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) & Aline Willy, (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Herr Saki ist Japaner. Frau Kobo auch: Genusinkongruenz in Nominalellipsen
Simone Busley, (Universität Mainz) & Julia Fritzinger, (Universität Mainz)
Das Emma und der Hänsli: – Genus-Sexus-Diskordanzen in Dialekten des Deutschen
Magnus Breder Birkenes, (Universität Marburg) & Jürg Fleischer, (Universität Marburg)
Genus und Sexus im Mittelhochdeutschen: Eine Studie zu mhd. kint
Dietha Koster, (Universität Münster), Lukas Urbanek, (Universität Münster), Gelieza Kötterheinrich, (Universität Münster) & Jens Bölte, (Unversität Münster)
Interlingual homophones affect human gender representations in language learners – Evidence from eye tracking
Kristin Kopf, (Universität Münster/IDS Mannheim)
Movierbarkeit von Anglizismen im Deutschen: Ein Fall verzögerter Integration
Andreas Klein, (Universität Mainz)
Die Person, die Arbeitskraft, die Berühmtheit. Vergeschlechtlichung femininer Epikoina?
Julia Hübner, (Freie Universität Berlin)
Genuskongruenz vs. Sexuskongruenz – Der Einfluss des Kontexts auf Kongruenzformen hybrider Nomina
Ewa Trutkowski, (Universität Frankfurt am Main)
Zur Interaktion von Genus und Sexus im Deutschen
Christine Günther, (Universität Düsseldorf)
Sprachübergreifende Interaktionen von Genus und Geschlecht – Effekte im Englischen als Fremdsprache
Sebastian Kürschner, (Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Spitznamen zwischen Nivellierung, Markierung und Kaschierung von Geschlecht
Stephanie Leser-Cronau, (Universität Marburg)
Das Neutrum für weibliche Personen in den deutschen Dialekten
Carolin Müller-Spitzer, (IDS Mannheim) & Henning Lobin, (IDS Mannheim)
Die Macht der Frequenz und die normative Wirkung deskriptiver Wörterbücher.
Grit Nickel, (Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
sein oder ihr: Genus und Kongruenz im Artikel- und Pronominalsystem bayerischer Dialekte
Christine Ott, (Universität Würzburg)
Grammatik und Geschlechtsreferenz im Deutschen – Synchrone und diachrone Auffällig- und Musterhaftigkeiten
Anne Rosar, (Universität Mainz)
Mann und Frau und Frau und Mann – Zur (Ir-)Reversibilität der Geschlechterordnung in Binomialen
Jaron Toonen, (Universiteit Utrecht)
Personenbezeichnungen in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenartikeln: Ein deutsch-niederländischer Vergleich
Miriam Schmidt-Jüngst, (Universität Mainz) & Lena Späth, (Universität Mainz)
Von trächtigen Elefantenkühen, säugenden Gazellen und balzenden Fasanen. Zum Geltungsbereich der Genus-Sexus-Korrelation
Christiane Ulbrich, (Universität Konstanz) & Alexander Werth, (Universität Bonn)
Die neuronale Differenzierung von Genus und Geschlecht – eine EEG-Studie zur Verarbeitung des hybrid nouns Mädchen
Lidia Becker, (Universität Hannover)
In Opposition zum sprachpolitisch induzierten Sprachwandel: Argumentationsmuster gegen genderneutrale Sprache in der spanischsprachigen Linguistik

Workshop 2

Proper names versus common nouns: morphosyntactic contrasts in the languages of the world

Bernhard Wälchli, (Stockholm University)
The extension of person name markers to noun class markers
Javier Caro Reina, (University of Cologne)
Differential Object Marking (DOM) with proper names in Romance languages
Jin Cui, (Nanjing Normal University) & Yu Hu, (Nanjing Normal University)
Description without descriptive content? Morphosyntactic evidence from Chinese against Descriptivism
Elisheva Jeffay, (Bar-Ilan University) & Susan Rothstein, (Bar-Ilan University)
Contrasts in the distribution of personal proper names in construct constructions in Modern and Biblical Hebrew
Tatsuhiro Okubo, (Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences)
On the morphological status of complex names in English and Japanese
Iker Salaberri, (Public University of Navarre (UPNA/NUP)), Patxi Salaberri, (Public University of Navarre (UPNA/NUP)) & Juan José Zubiri, (Public University of Navarre (UPNA/NUP))
Concerning the differential morphosyntactic marking of definiteness on Basque anthroponyms: A synchronic and diachronic study
Adriel Josias Bébiné, (University of Yaounde)
Contrastive marking of anthroponyms and common nouns in object and subject argument slots in Nuasúɛ (A.62A)
Francesco-Alessio Ursini, (Sun Yat-Sen University) & Haiping Long, (San Yat-Sen University)
Common nouns and saliency in toponyms: A comparative study
Yves D'hulst, (University of Osnabrück), Rolf Schöneich, (University of Osnabrück) & Trudel Meisenburg, (University of Osnabrück)
Definite articles and geographical proper names: The case of river names
Martin Haspelmath, (MPI-SHH, University of Leipzig) & Susanne Maria Michaelis, (MPI-SHH, University of Leipzig)
Differential place-name marking: An explanation in terms of predictability and coding efficiency
Miriam Schmuck, (University of Mainz)
Gender assignment to German city names. Areal and diachronic perspectives
Mohamed El Idrissi, (USPC-INALCO, Paris)
Morphosyntactic differences between proper names and common nouns in Riffian
Johannes Helmbrecht, (University of Regensburg)
Proper names with and without definite articles
Corinna Handschuh [invited speaker], (University of Regensburg)
Personal names vs. common nouns: Crosslinguistic findings from morphology and syntax

Workshop 3

Cross-linguistic variation in control phenomena

Krisztina Szécsényi, (Eötvös Loránd University)
Control, covert modality, and recovery strategies in Hungarian
Artemis Alexiadou, (Humboldt University of Berlin & Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft) & Elena Anagnostopoulou, (University of Crete)
Backward control, long distance Agree and the nature of nominative Case
Pilar P. Barbosa, (University of Minho)
Alledged obligatory control inflected infinitives
Patrick Brandt, (IDS Mannheim) & Tom Bossuyt, (University of Freiburg)
Zu, um, zum, (om) te and correlates in corpora: On sources and variation of control structures in Germanic varieties
Irina Burukina, (Eötvös Loránd University)
On DP/PRO alternation, evaluative adjectives and embedded infinitival clauses in Russian
Silke Fischer, (University of Stuttgart) & Inghild Flaate Høyem, (NTNU Trondheim)
Event control
Juliana Gerard, (Ulster University)
Acquiring adjunct control without using it
Ion Giurgea, (Iorgu Iordan-AI. Rosetti Insitute of Linguistics) & Maria Aurelia Cotfas, (University of Bucharest)
Control in se-‘passives’ in Romanian
Peter Herbeck, (University of Cologne)
The null subject of para-infinitives in spoken Spanish – between OC and NOC
Irene Rapp, (University of Tübingen) & Ekaterina Laptieva, (IDS Mannheim)
Anti-control verbs, arbitrary control and argument-structural inertia
Hyungjung Lee, (University of Leipzig) & Mike Berger, (University of Leipzig)
Control is Agree: Evidence from Korean
Asako Matsuda, (Ochanomizu University)
Control from inside: Evidence from Japanese
Justin Paz, (University of Arizona)
Revising the distribution of control: Evidence from Spanish
Marie-Luise Popp, (University of Leipzig)
Infinite and finite control in Mam
Michelle Sheehan, (Anglia Ruskin University)
Partial control: The embedded predicate matters, even in English!
Barbara Stiebels [invited speaker], (University of Leipzig)
Attitudinal object control predicates
Idan Landau [invited speaker], (Ben Gurion University)
Unexpected non-obligatory control

Workshop 4

Encoding varieties of topic and focus: the role of contrast and information status

Stefan Baumann, (University of Cologne) & Jane Mertens, (University of Cologne)
The influence of information status on the prosody of sentence topics
Laura Becker, (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) & Gertrud Schneider-Blum, (University of Cologne)
The contrast marker =i/=ɪ in Tima (Niger-Congo)
Fabian Bross, (University of Stuttgart)
Encoding different types of topics and foci in German Sign Language (Deutsche Gebärdensprache). A cartographic approach to sign language syntax
Maura Aurelia Cotfas, (University of Bucharest)
The C-field of (free) subjunctives in Romanian and instances of complementizer deletion
Katharina Hartmann, (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
The interpretation of syntactic focus variation
Carolin Harthan, (University of Munich)
Encoding information-structure through adverbial placement in written present-day English
Katharina Hartmann, (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Iris Legeland, (University of Amsterdam) & Roland Pfau, (University of Amsterdam)
Asymmetry and contrast in coordination in Sign Language of the Netherlands
Alexandra Navarrete González, (Pompeu Fabra University)
The expression of contrast in Catalan Sign Language (LSC)
Christine T. Röhr, (University of Cologne), Martine Grice, (University of Cologne), Stefan Baumann, (University of Cologne) & Petra B. Schumacher, (University of Cologne)
The role of prosody in the processing of prominence in contrastive structures
Silvia Schaefer, (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
Verbal agreement and the person-agreement split in two North-Eastern Italian varieties
Thuan Tran, (University of Potsdam)
Information structure and syntax interaction: A view from Vietnamese
Francesc Torres-Tamarit, (CNRS, University of Paris 8) & Maria del Mar Vanrell, (University of the Balearic Islands)
The phonetics and phonology of fronted focus in Catalan
Maria del Mar Vanrell, (University of the Balearic Islands) & Ingo Feldhausen, (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
Focus realization in the native Spanish of monolingual and bilingual speakers
Ramona Wallner, (University of Konstanz)
Prosodic restrictions for focus are cues for the realization of spoken French wh-interrogatives in-situ
Johannes Mursell, (Goethe-University Frankfurt) & Sophie Repp, (University of Cologne)
Encoding varieties of topic and focus: The role of contrast and information status
Silvio Cruschina [invited speaker], (University of Helsinki)
The greater the contrast, the greater the potential: On the effects of contrastive focus in syntax
Leah S Bauke, (University of Wuppertal)
Exhaustivity marking in German and English: A challenge for L2 acquisition
Frank Kügler [invited speaker], (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
Prosodic phrasing and accentuation in contrastive contexts

Workshop 5

Concessives vs. adversatives: opposing opposition

Elena Karagjosova, (Freie Universität Berlin)
On the type of concession expressed by concessive complementizers and bipartite concessive constructions in German: A synchronic and diachronic account
Hanzhi Zhu, (MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
The additivity of concessive still
Jonathon D. Coltz, (University of Minnesota)
Parallel puzzles: Concessives, adversatives, and presuppositions in infelicitous conditionals
Ksenia Ershova, (University of Chicago) & Itamar Francez, (University of Chicago)
From quotation to concession: The case of East Circassian
Laura Baranzini, (OLSI, University of Neuchâtel) & Alda Mari, (Institut Jean Nicod)
From existential modality to concessivity: Alternatives and reasoning per absurdum
Madeleine Butschety, (University of Graz)
Epistemic vs. concessive at least: A matter of epistemic uncertainty
Maria Barouni, (University of Crete)
Concessive elements and the role of superlative morphology
Martina Faller, (University of Manchester)
Concessive conditionals with non-scalar additives in Cuzco Quechua and German
Regina Zieleke, (University of Cologne)
German contrastive connectives beyond aber. An analysis of contrast on dimensions
Werner Frey, (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft)
Linking some syntactic and semantic features of concessives and adversatives
Kaja Jasinskaja [invited speaker], (University of Cologne)
On the disambiguation of but
Ekkehard König, (Freie Universität Berlin & University of Freiburg)
Concessivity: Admissible and inadmissible background assumption
Lukas Rieser, (Yamagata University)
Frustrated expectation and conditional modality: The Japanese concessive no-ni
Doris Penka, (University of Konstanz)
A closer look at concessive at least in English and German
Mingya Liu [invited speaker], (University of Osnabrück)
The siblings in the shadow of if: The semantics and pragmatics of conditional connectives

Workshop 6

Factors influencing the stability of phonetic contrasts and phonemic oppositions

Johanna Stahnke, (University of Wuppertal)
Phonological (in-)stability in bilingual language acquisition
Matthias Hahn, (University of Leipzig)
The spatial dimension of fortis and lenis in German near standard pronunciation: Opposition and contrast
Daniel Márcio Rodrigues Silva, (Federal University of Minas Gerais) & Rui Rothe-Neves, (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Vowel reduction and auditory discriminability in stressed and unstressed syllables: A mismatch negativity study
Daniel Duran, (University of Freiburg)
From language change to phonetic convergence (and back again)
Iona Gessinger, (Saarland University), Bernd Möbius, (Saarland University), Eran Raveh, (Saarland University) & Ingmar Steiner, (DFKI GmbH)
Human-computer interaction: Convergence in allophonic contrasts
Nicola Klingler, (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)
On the instability of the voicing contrast in final position in the Viennese Standard variety
Andrew B. Wedel [invited speaker], (University of Arizona)
Optimization for efficient lexical information transmission shapes systems of phonological contrast

Workshop 7

Language change at the interfaces. On the interaction between syntax, prosody and information structure

Roland Hinterhölzl, (University of Venice) & Ans van Kemenade, (Radboud University)
Syntactic and prosodic factors in the rise and fall of V2 in English
Cecilia Poletto, (Goethe-University Frankfurt) & Silvia Rossi, (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
The internal and external syntax of bare quantifiers in Old Italian
Christine Meklenborg Salvesen, (University of Oslo)
Different shades of si. Information structure, V-to-C movement and the loss of V2
Olena Andrushenko, (Zhytomir State University)
From Middle to Early Modern English Exclusives
Stavros Skopeteas, (University of Göttingen)
Information-structural domains and the emergence of head-initial VPs in Caucasian Urum
Sophia Voigtmann, (Saarland University)
Informational aspects of the extraposition of relative clauses
Juliane Tiemann, (University of Bergen)
Information-structure driven word order variation in Old Norwegian
Remus Gergel, (Saarland University) & Jonathan Watkins, (Saarland University)
Contextual dimensions of clefts
Federica Cognola, (University of Rome)
Language change and information structure: Parametric resetting in the history of German and Italian
George Walkden [invited speaker], (Universität Konstanz)
Prosody and syntax in the earliest Germanic

Workshop 8

Who cares? Contrast and opposition in „free“ phenomena

Klaus Abels [invited speaker], (University College London)
Free alternations across modules: Theoretical consequences
Ekaterina Georgieva, (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Martin Salzmann, (University of Leipzig) & Philipp Weisser, (University of Leipzig)
Two types of optionality in Udmurt and Mari verb clusters
Kleanthes K. Grohmann, (University of Cyprus), Maria Kambanaros, (Cyprus University of Technology), Evelina Leivada, (UiT-The Arctic University of Norway) & Natalia Pavlou, (CAT Lab)
On ‘free’ clitic placement in production
Markus Bader, (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
Free variation in verb cluster serialization – A harmonic grammar analysis
Theodore Levin, (University of Maryland, College Park), Paulina Lyskawa, (University of Maryland, College Park) & Rodrigo Ranero, (University of Maryland, College Park)
Optional agreement in Santiago Tz'utujil (Mayan) is syntactic
Manuel Leonetti, (Complutense University of Madrid)
Subject inversion as a 'free' phenomenon
Doreen Georgi, (University of Potsdam) & Mary Amaechi, (University of Potsdam)
On “optional” wh-/focus fronting in Igbo – A SYN-SEM-PHON interaction
Joost Kremers, (University of Wuppertal)
Word order variation in parallel syntax

Workshop 9

Koloniale und post-koloniale Toponomastik

Wolfgang Crom, (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Kartenabteilung)
Benennungen, Umbenennungen und Übersetzungen von kolonialen Namen in ihrer Repräsentation auf Karten
Jascha de Bloom, (Universität Bremen)
Anthropozentrik als ein Motiv der (kolonialen) Geoobjekt-Klassifizierung
Sandra Herling, (Universität Siegen)
Hotelnamen in den französischen Kolonien Afrikas und Asiens
Marie Antoinette Rieger, (Universität Bologna)
Sprachliche Besetzung. Deutschsprachige Toponyme in Usambara
Verena Ebert, (Universität Würzburg) & Tirza Mühlan-Meyer, (Universität Würzburg)
Sprachliche Praktiken der Dekolonisation? Umbenennungen kolonial motivierter Straßennamen und deren Bewertung – Vorstellung eines Projektvorhabens
Lucas Löff Machado, (Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Angélica Prediger, (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre) & Fernando Hélio Tavares de Barros, (Universität Kiel)
Die deutsche Toponymie in Brasilien: Überlegungen, Forschungslücke und Herausforderungen
Paolo Miccoli, (Universität Neapel „L’Orientale“ & Universität Bremen)
Italo-koloniale Urbanonyme im Vergleich: Asmara, Mogadishu, Tripolis und Addis Abeba während der Zeit des Liberalismus und des Faschismus
Inga Siegfried, (Universität Zürich)
Kolonial intendierte Mikrotoponyme ohne aktive Kolonialpolitik? Benennungen und Umbenennungen in der urbanen Mikrotoponymie der Deutschschweiz
Jean-Louis Vaxelaire, (University of Namur)
Colonial city names as labels

Workshop 10

Prosody from a cross-domain perspective: how language speaks to music (and vice versa)

Daniela Sammler [invited speaker], (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig)
The Neuropragmatics of prosody – From contour to meaning
Paul Kiparsky [invited speaker], (Stanford University)
Text-setting and quantitative meter
Dicky Gilbers, (University of Groningen)
Cognitive strategies in structuring language and music
Christina Domene Moreno, (University of Würzburg) & Barış Kabak, (University of Würzburg)
Prosodic cues for rhythm in adult vs. child-directed songs
Gertraud Fenk-Oczlon, (University of Klagenfurt)
The relationship of language and music from an evolutionary perspective and the role of vowels
Tamara Rathcke, (University of Kent), Simone Falk, (University Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris) & Simone Dalla Bella, (University of Montreal)
Facilitators of the “speech-to-song illusion”
Elena Girardi, (University of Düsseldorf) & Ingo Plag, (University of Düsseldorf)
Metrical mapping in textsetting: Empirical analysis and grammatical implementation
Sara Andreetta, (SISSA, Trieste), Yair Lakretz, (Neurospin, Ecole de Neurosciences, Paris) & Alessandro Treves, (SISSA, Trieste)
Meter as a mnenomic device
Steven Gilbers, (University of Groningen), Nienke Hoeksema, (University of Groningen), Kees de Bot, (University of Groningen) & Wander Lowie, (University of Groningen)
The connection between regional variation in African American English and regional variation in hip-hop music
Tineke Snijders, (Max PLanck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Niymwegen & Radboud University)
Getting the rhythm for infant language learning
Laura E. Hahn, (Radboud University & International Max Planck Research School for Language Sciences,Nijmegen), Tineke Snijders, (Max PLanck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Niymwegen & Radboud University), Titia Benders, (Macquarie University) & Paula Fikkert, (Radboud University)
Behavioral and electro-physiological evidence for early rhyme sensitivity
Elif Canseza Kaplan, (University of Groningen), Anita Wagner, (University of Groningen) & Deniz Başkent, (University of Groningen)
Are musicians at an advantage when processing speech in two-talker masker?
James Kirby, (University of Edinburgh) & Ruoqi Lin, (University of Edinburgh)
Comparative tonal text-setting in Mandarin and Cantonese popular song
Reed Blaylock, (University of Southern California)
The interaction of isochronous music and speech rhythms in a chanting task
Daria Popova, (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
Stylistic rhythmic patterns and musicality
Heini Arjava, (University of Helsinki)
Language, music, and textsetting: Mismatches in length and intonation
Jasmin Pfeifer, (University of Amsterdam) & Silke Hamann, (University of Düsseldorf)
Perception of word stress by German congenital amusics
Richard Wiese, (University of Marburg)
Perception of Rhythm in language and music

Workshop 11

Ikonizität in der Sprache

Amelia Becker, (Georgetown University)
Phonological thumb configuration and iconicity in American Sign Language
Konstantina Margiotoudi, (Freie Universität Berlin; Humboldt University Berlin), Matthias Allritz, (University of Leipzig), Manuel Bohn, (University of St Andrews) & Friedemann Pulvermüller, (Freie Universität Berlin; Humboldt University Berlin; Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin)
Testing “maluma-takete” in humans and great apes
Annika Herrmann, (University of Hamburg), Nina-Kristin Pendzich, (University of Göttingen) & Markus Steinbach, (University of Göttingen)
Iconic gestural demonstrations in sign language narration
Sonja Dahlgren, (University of Helsinki) & Seppo Kittilä, (University of Helsinki)
A (morpho)phonological typology of demonstratives: A case study in sound symbolism
Tanja Ackermann, (Freie Universität zu Berlin) & Christian Zimmer, (Freie Universität zu Berlin)
The relation of name phonology and gender across languages
Maria Konoshenko, (Russian State University for the Humanities & Institute of Linguistics RAS, Moscow)
How iconic are ideophones in Mande?
Oksana Tkachman, (The University of British Columbia) & Carla Hudson Kam, (University of British Columbia)
Semantic salience as iconic motivation of signs in artificial and natural sign languages
Gerrit Kentner, (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics & Goethe University Frankfurt)
Repetition avoidance and iconicity of repetition
Vadim Kimmelman, (Bergen University), Anna Klezovich, (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) & George Moroz, (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
Quantative analysis of lexical iconity in sign languages
Vera Agranovsky, (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Onomatopoeia and reduplication in Modern Hebrew
Eva Schultze-Berndt, (University of Manchester)
Iconicity, ideophones and mimesis
Juan C. Moreno Cabrera, (Autonomous University of Madrid)
Onomasiological iconicity in spoken, written, and signed language
Niklas Johansson, (Lund University)
Triangulating sound symbolism: Where to find it and how to create it
Elena A. Shamina, (St. Petersburg State University)
Bad or good and why?
Aleksandra Ćwiek, (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin), Christoph Draxler, (University of Munich), Susanne Fuchs, (University of Munich), Bodo Winter, (University of Munich) & Marcus Perlman, (University of Birmingham)
Comprehension of non-linguistic vocalizations across cultures
Paul Thomas Gahman, (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
The sound of meaning: The sound symbolism of unconventional onomatopoeia
Ronnie B. Wilbur, (Purdue University)
Systematized iconicity: A mapping of components from space, body, hands, face to Wierzbicka’s semantic primitives
Pamela Perniss [invited speaker], (University of Cologne)
The role of iconicity in word learning: Insights from multi-modal language

Workshop 12

Sorting out the concepts behind definiteness

Stefan Hinterwimmer, (University of Cologne) & Umesh Patil, (University of Cologne)
A comparison of anaphoric complex demonstratives and demonstrative pronouns
Halima Husić, (Ruhr University Bochum) & Agata Renans, (Ruhr University Bochum)
The definite interpretation carried by accusative is an implicature — Evidence from Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian
Fereshteh Modarresi, (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin) & Manfred Krifka, (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin)
Bare noun vs. indefinite objects in Persian and their anaphoric uptake
Fereshteh Modarresi, (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin), Jette Fortmann, (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin) & Manfred Krifka, (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin)
Weak definites vs. implicit entities vs. indefinites in German
Alexandra Simonenko, (Research Foundation Flanders & Ghent University) & Anne Carlier, (Université Lille 3)
Maximality and situation-sensitivity: The evolution of French possessives
Dominika Skrzypek, (Adam Mickiewicz University) & Alicja Piotrowska, (Adam Mickiewicz University)
Familiar vs. unique in a diachronic perspective: Case study of North Germanic
Klaus von Heusinger, (University of Cologne) & Roya Sadeghpoor, (University of Cologne)
Strong definites in colloquial Persian and referentiality
Klaus von Heusinger, (University of Groningen) & Andreas Brocher, (University of Cologne)
Indefinite demonstratives, definiteness and referentiality
Frederike Weeber, (University of Cologne)
Conditions for weak readings in German
Ruoying Zhao, (University College London)
Temporal definiteness
Merel Semeijn, (University of Groningen)
Bald-faced lies and parafictional beliefs
Peter Jenks [invited speaker], (University of California, Berkeley)
Anaphoric definites as anchored definites
Olga Borik, (UNED) & Daria Serés, (UAB)
Definiteness in the absence of uniqueness
Ljudmila Geist, (University of Düsseldorf/University of Stuttgart)
Definiteness without determiners
Jette Fortmann, (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin) & Werner Frey, (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin)
German weak definites and incorporation
Jan Dvorak, (ENS de Lyon)
The emerging definite article ten in spoken Czech: A further analysis in terms of ‘semantic’ and ‘pragmatic’ definiteness

Workshop 13

Post-truth: the semantics and pragmatics of saying „what you believe to be false“

Mailin Antomo, (University of Göttingen), Yuqiu Chen, (University of Göttingen), Susanne Müller, (University of Göttingen), Markus Paluch, (University of Göttingen), Katharina Paul, (University of Göttingen) & Maik Thalmann, (University of Göttingen)
Deceptive language: A new methodology in language acquisition and implicature theory
Benjamin Lennertz, (Colgate University) & David Miguel Gray, (University of Memphis)
Attempts to appropriate slurs and Grice's First Maxim of Quality
Gerhard Schaden, (University of Lille) & Grégoire Winterstein, (Université du Québec à Montréal)
(Strategic) miscommunication on the hearer side
Viviana Masia, (University of Roma Tre)
Presupposition, assertion and the evidential marking of untrue information in political discourse
Grzegorz Gaszczyk, (University of Groningen)
Why truth is not the aim of assertives? The case of explanation
Ariel Cohen, (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Lies, indexicals, and metaphors in language evolution: The view from science fiction
Rita Finkbeiner, (University of Düsseldorf)
Between truth and imagination. The case of celebrity gossip headlines in weekly magazines
Jörg Meibauer [invited speaker], (University of Mainz)
Hot topics in the linguistics of lying
Louis Rouillé, (Institut Jean Nicod)
“Truth in fiction”: A problem for truth or for fiction
Regine Eckardt [invited speaker], (University of Konstanz)
Skewed stereotypes

Workshop 14

Variation in der Argumentstruktur des Deutschen. Empirische und theoretische Perspektiven im Spannungsfeld von Valenz und Konstruktion

Hans C. Boas, (The University of Texas at Austin)
Argumentstrukturen zwischen Valenz und Konstruktion
Marc Felfe, (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Von der Valenz zur Konstruktion und wieder zurück zur Valenz
Ulrike Freywald, (Universität Potsdam)
Nach dem Öffnen rasch verbrauchen! – Nullobjekte in direktiven Infinitiven
Dagobert Höllein, (Universität Kassel)
Präpositionale Komplementerweiterung und semantische Nischen
Sandra Pappert, (Universität Heidelberg) & Michael Baumann, (Universität Bielefeld)
Effekte der Konstruktions- und Valenzbindung bei der Realisierung von Benefizienten
Beatrice Primus, (Universität zu Köln) & Franziska Kretzschmar, (Universität zu Köln)
Lexikonprojektion und Konstruktion bei Argumentalternationen im Deutschen: Empirische Studien zu Pseudoclefts mit tun, Passiv und Konstruktionen mit man
Kristel Proost, (IDS Mannheim), Arne Zeschel, (IDS Mannheim), Ekaterina Laptieva, (IDS Mannheim) & Edeltraud Winkler, (IDS Mannheim)
Präpositionsvariation bei Präpositionalobjekten im Deutschen
Elena Smirnova, (Université de Neuchâtel) & Tanja Mortelmans, (Universiteit Antwerpen)
Zwischen Verbvalenz und Konstruktion: Resultativkonstruktionen im Deutschen und Niederländischen
Stefan Müller [invited speaker], (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
15 Jahre Diskussion phrasaler Argumentstrukturkonstruktionen und kein Ende. Heute mal Benefaktivkonstruktionen

Workshop 15

Encoding emotive attitudes in non-truth-conditional meaning

Lawrence Cheung, (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Non-speaker surprise ascription
Matthew N. Czuba, (Institute of Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University)
Defending epistemic indefensibility: Enrichment and the case of quasi-denial
Stanley A. Donahoo, (University of Arizona)
Not-at-issue processing: More than semantics
Daniel Hole, (University of Stuttgart)
Syntactizing scalar evaluation
Marta Ruda, (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
Expressive predicate coordination
Andreas Trotzke, (University of Konstanz) & Xavier Villalba, (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Encoding emotion in discourse: A cross-linguistic approach to that-exclamatives
Patrick D. Elliott [invited speaker], (Leibniz-Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin)
The dynamics of expressive content
Jessica Rett [invited speaker], (University of California, Los Angeles)
The semantics of emotive markers and other illocutionary content

Workshop 16

New horizons in the study of nominal phrases

Martin Salzmann, (University of Leipzig)
The DP vs. NP-debate: Why previous arguments for the DP-hypothesis fail and what a good argument for it should look like
Benjamin Bruening, (University of Delaware)
N-to-D movement, hybrid agreement, and conventionalized expressions
Antonio Machicao y Priemer, (Humboldt University of Berlin) & Stefan Müller, (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Prenominal genitives: Locality, theta-roles, and quantifiers
Philipp Rauth, (Saarland University) & Augustin Speyer, (Saarland University)
Adverbial reinforcement of demonstratives in Franconian of Rhine and Moselle
Gianina Iordăchioaia, (University of Stuttgart)
D and N are different nominalizers
Imke Driemel, (University of Leipzig)
Pseudo-noun incorporation and the DP/NP-distinction
Frank Van Eynde [invited speaker], (University of Leuven)
Regularity and idiosyncracy in the formation of nominals
Giuliana Giusti [invited speaker], (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
D as a feature in the nominal bundle. A unifying approach to the NP/DP-dispute